Buzzing Bees around a Hive with Calm Instrumental Music and Natural sound

Relaxing sounds like bees buzzing or birds singing can help to decrease your stress level. This 10-hour long video is of bees and their beehive with background nature sounds and some calm instrumental music.

Bees are a fascinating and very important species. They feed on several species of plants and a byproduct (pun intended) pollinates a huge number of plants.
Bees collect nectar and pollen from flowers and take it back to the nest – it is then either stored as honey or as a source of food for larval bees.

Calming instrumental music set to a video featuring bees in their beehive.
Perfect to use when meditating, when you want to increase focus or when you just want to fall asleep.
If you are relaxed, relaxed sounds like bees buzzing or birds singing can help to decrease your stress level.

Videos used with permission from
Audio and VFX licensed from

Disclaimer: Never play this too loud. It is supposed to be played in the background, regular conversations should be possible without strain. If you have medical issues please don’t self-diagnose, visit your doctor!

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